
Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare

Tailor-Made HVAC Solutions For Quality Air

HVAC solutions are no more just about providing comfortable home or workspace condition, but also about delivering quality atmosphere with contamination control features. Especially when you are considering air conditioning solution for healthcare and pharmaceutical applications, it is best to choose from the best. At Citizen, air handling systems are crafted keeping in mind advanced filtration procedure with minimal air leakage and easy maintenance to control airborne pollutants.


Citizen’s extensive knowledge and experience in the field allows it to venture towards tailor made and best in class products while meeting the toughest standards of the industry. American Air Filters (AAF) being our group company, allows and easy inflow of state-of-the art products while also learning from them on the relevant know-hows to provide optimal solutions.


Citizen enjoys lion share of this industry due to significant and segment specific expertise, high quality standards and prompt after sales service. Our ability to provide highly complex customized solutions and time tested reliability have earned us utmost customer trust and patronage.