Before we get into the topic of air handling unit maintenance, it is necessary to first know the basics of AHU (Air Handling Unit). The following information is given as per the guidelines described by a leading
Air Handling Unit manufacturer in India

What does an Air Handling Unit (AHU) mean?

An Air Handling Unit or AHU refers to a mechanical device that is part of a HVAC system. It is primarily used to control air quality, humidity, and temperature and ensure uninterrupted flow of air throughout the environment. In most cases, AHU makes use of ducts to force the air an HVAC system produces during operation.

What an AHU is comprised of?

There are several components of an Air Handling Unit (AHU) that work together to deliver its purpose. Some of the major ones are:

  • Filter Racks
  • Blowers
  • Heating or Cooling Element
  • Heat Exchanger
  • Dampers
  • Belt
  • Humidifiers

Why AHU’s maintenance is important?

Just like any other mechanical system, an AHU needs proper and timely maintenance. This is meant to extend its working life while reducing working expenses, downtime overheads, and repair costs. Below is a checklist related to AHU maintenance that you should look at:

  • Check external air dampers
  • Investigate control panel and boxes
  • Clean heating coil
  • Check drain pipe & pan
  • Replace filters
  • Check face & bypass dampers
  • Record amp readings
  • Inspect temperature distribution across the coil
  • Check heater safety
  • Inspect belts and sheaves of the exhaust fan
  • Oil return fan motor
  • Check the exhaust air fan
  • Check supply fan motor
  • Check power lines
  • Clean supply fan and casing

What should be the maintenance frequency?

There are several elements that affect the frequency of AHU maintenance. They include weather conditions, manufacturer specifications, and specific needs. AHUs should typically be serviced at least twice a year. An AHU’s lifespan can be increased by adhering to the preventative maintenance program developed an AHU manufacturer in India like Citizen Industries Pvt. Ltd., which also helps to ensure maximum performance and energy efficiency.
